September 2024 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Service Description
Cost: $5.00/ Player (tax included) REGISTRATION: To increase opportunities for people to play pickleball, signing up is now limited to 2 sessions per week per person. Please ensure you sign up for only 2 sessions each week. CANCELATIONS: If you are unable to make it to a pickleball session that you have pre-registered for, please please call the office at (902) 829-2512 or email lakeechorec@gmail.com by 9:00 am to cancel your spot or you will be charged for that spot the next time that you come in to play. As the office has a waitlist to draw on when there are cancellations, you cannot give the spot to another player of your choice. PICKLEBALL COURT RULES -Please ensure fair play. -There are 2 courts; Court #1 is closest to the chairs, Court #2 is furthest from the chairs. -4 players to a court. -As players arrive they go to the end of the line of chairs if both courts are already in use. -Games go to 9 points. If less than 8 people are playing they can go to 11 points. -When a court finishes a game they yell “COURT” so that groups know to move to the next court. -If Court #2 finishes a game they return to the end of the line of chairs, the group on Court #1 move to Court #2 to finish their game and 4 players from start of the line of chairs move onto Court #1 to play. Everyone on the chairs moves up in the row. Next games players are not determined by winners and losers. -If you have already played with someone, please ensure you have a different partner for the next game. -Please be considerate of all levels of play.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Lake Echo Community Recreation Centre, Nova Scotia Trunk 7, Lake Echo, NS, Canada